Preventive – Serbia Anti Corruption Institutional Framework

Institutional set-up for prevention and suppression of corruption


Office of the Minister


The Ministry of Justice is in charge of the preparation of regulations in the field of fight against corruption; aligning international cooperation in the field of fight against corruption.




General information

Established: 2009

Structure: Headed by Director and Deputy Director, overseen by a board, divided into four sectors and four departments

Permanence: Law on Anti-Corruption Agency (“Official Gazette No. 97/08, 53/10, 66/11, 67/13-CC, 8/15-CC and 88/19) Law on Prevention of Corruption (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”, No. 35/19 and 88/19 11/2021)

Appointment and removal: In line with Article 11 of the Law on Prevention of Corruption, following a public competition announced by the Ministry in charge of judicial affairs, the Director shall be elected by the National Assembly, by a majority vote of all deputies. The procedure to determine the existence of grounds for dismissal of the Director shall be initiated by the competent committee of the National Assembly. The Director shall have the right to make a statement before the competent committee of the National Assembly regarding the initiation of the procedure (Article 16 of the Law on Prevention of Corruption).

Financial Autonomy: budget adopted in standard procedure

Competencies: According to the Articel 6 of the Law on Prevention of Corruption, the Agency among the number of competences, supervises the implementation of strategic documents, submits to the National Assembly a report on their implementation along with recommendations to be acted upon, decides on the existence of conflict of interest; performs tasks in accordance with the law governing the financing of political activities and/or the law governing lobbying; files criminal charges, requests for initiating misdemeanour proceedings and initiatives for initiating disciplinary proceedings; maintains and publishes the Register of the Public Officials and the Register of Assets and Income of Public Officials in accordance with this Law; verifies assets and income reports submitted by public officials; maintains and verifies data from records specified in this Law; acts upon complaints submitted by natural and legal persons; initiates adoption or amendment of regulations, provides opinions on the assessment of the risk of corruption in draft laws in the fields that are particularly susceptible to the risk of corruption and opinions on draft laws governing issues covered by ratified international agreements in the field of preventing and combating corruption; investigates the state of corruption, analyses risks of corruption and prepares reports with recommendations to eliminate risks; supervises the adoption and implementation of integrity plans; adopts the Training Programme and instructions in the field of prevention of corruption and monitors the implementation of training in public authorities; performs tasks related to international cooperation in the field of prevention of corruption; Performs other tasks set forth by law.




Established: 2001

Structure: The President of the Council is appointed by The Government from among the 6 members of the Council on their proposal.

Competencies: to see all the aspects of anti-corruption activities, to propose measures to be taken in order to fight corruption effectively, to monitor their implementation, and to make proposals for bringing regulations, programs and other acts and measures in this area.

Appointment: Council members, including the President, are appointed by the Government on the proposal of the Council members.

Financial Autonomy: budget adopted in standard procedure




Competencies: prepares the strategy and action plan, monitors the implementation of the strategy and action plan, coordinates the connection of the bodies implementing the strategy, collects reports of the bodies related to the implementation of the Strategy, organizes consultative meetings of the representatives of the bodies in connection with the implementation of the Strategy and the Action Plan and many more.