Currently the only regional center devoted solely to curb corruption in South Eastern Europe (SEE), RAI Secretariat represents a concrete and visible demonstration of the member states’ commitment to the continuing, concerted and coordinated fight against corruption in the region.
The Secretariat is the executive body of RAI.
The Secretariat facilitates regional cooperation and efforts in curbing corruption in SEE region by building on existing actions, though better coordination of all efforts, and by relying on high-level political commitment. The Secretariat adopts human rights based approach and promotes anti-discrimination by promoting the impact of corruption is looked at from perspectives including gender, disability and poverty.
The Secretariat strives to:
– serve as the main focal point for regional anti-corruption cooperation in SEE through the coordination, facilitation and dissemination of best practices and lessons learned as well as through the interaction and coordination among member states and between member states and other international partners;
– act as a regional Anti-corruption Resource Center for the countries of SEE region; and
– enable a better integration and implementation of the international legal instruments concerning the prevention and fight against corruption.
Secretariat stipulates its specific objectives in the Work Plan that is developed every two years and is subject of approval of the RAI Steering Group. The Work Plan represents a compilation of national needs, regional demands and international commitments of RAI member countries. Its intention is to set Secretariats’ strategic direction and to inform the wider anti-corruption community and all the stakeholders. The Specific Objectives stipulated in the Work Plan are a product of joint efforts of Secretariat and the representatives of its member countries and observer countries alike. In the development of the Specific Objectives Secretariat also consults with its partner organizations and stakeholders.
RAI is a gender aware organization by committing to upholding fundamental rights and freedoms guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights and other relevant internationally recognized standards. The Secretariat is committed to ensuring that all programmatic and organizational endeavors of the Secretariat are gender sensitive.
In addition to the stated strategic commitments, Secretariat dedicates itself to exploring its environment and look for other anti-corruption endeavors in the SEE region. The Secretariat is committed to avoiding overlapping and ensuring synergies with comparable activities and processes implemented by different international organizations, beneficiaries and stakeholders.
RAI Secretariat keeps abreast of its Specific Objectives its Observers, thus strengthening collaboration and ensuring the best use of possible avenues of cooperation.
The Secretariat is a multidisciplinary regional Anti-corruption Resource Center and network for information and expertise exchange by providing a platform of interaction among relevant regional and international actors.