Desislava Gotskova
Ms. Gotskova was selected as the Director of the Secretariat (previously Head) at the 34th RAI Steering Group Meeting held on April 28, 2021.
Ms. Gotskova holds a Master’s Degree in Law from the University of Sofia, Bulgaria, and a Master’s Degree in International and European Law from the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Ms. Gotskova has a thorough knowledge and extensive experience in international cooperation in judicial and police matters, in anti-corruption policy, and strategic and action plan development.
Prior joining the RAI, Ms Gotskova worked at the Bulgarian Commission for Illegal Assets Forfeiture (CIAF), now Anti-corruption Commission; EUROPOL and the Bulgarian Ministry of Justice. While at Europol, she was involved in national and international asset recovery investigations linked to corruption and organized crime, supported the CARIN Secretariat and the Asset Recovery Offices (AROs) Platform in coordinating their activities and maintaining close liaison with the relevant stakeholders and partners such as UNODC/WB StAR Initiative; Council of Europe, APEC Anti-corruption and Transparency Working Group, etc. In 2018, she was appointed by the Minister of Justice to chair COPEN Working Group on the proposal for a regulation on the mutual recognition of freezing and confiscation orders during the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU. As a Chair of the Working Group, she represented the Council of the EU at the negotiations on the proposal of the regulation with the European Parliament and the European Commission.
Responsibilities of RAI Secretariat Director
The Director provides leadership and sets the direction of RAI Secretariat’s strategic and policy development. The incumbent represents the Secretariat and promotes the achievements of RAI and its member countries. They have the executive authority for Secretariat’s operations and programmes. The incumbent is a core member of the Secretariat and reports to and maintains open communication with RAI Steering Group and the Chair. Full Terms of Reference available in Annex 4 of RAI Rules of Procedure.
E-mail address: dgotskova@rai-see.org
Former Heads of Secretariat:
2017-2021: Vladan Joksimovic
2013-2016: Radu Cotici