Transparent rules and procedures in the public sector

RAI will focus on promotion of transparency and quality of the legislative process through enhancing the capacities of the legislative bodies and the CSOs to implement the corruption proofing legislation (CPL) mechanism in the areas mostly affected by corruption, thus strengthening the implementation of the mechanism for detection and minimisation of risk of future corruption in the legislation drafting. In parallel, RAI will work on strengthening the implementation of the corruption risk assessment (CRA) mechanism through a set of measures aimed at enticing and supporting the relevant government officials and appropriate governmental bodies to move away from discretionary decision-making to rule-based political and administrative decision-making, by way of implementing the corruption risk assessment mechanisms. These measures will provide relevant national authorities with tools and expert assistance in fortifying the implementation of CRA mechanism and introducing and implementing methods for assessing its effectiveness.

As a continuation of programmatic activities implemented under the previous Work Plan, RAI Secretariat adjusted the programmatic approach in relation to strengthening capacities for implementation of CPL and CRA that would enable achieving more tangible results in improving the transparency and integrity in identified public sectors, as well in strengthening the CSOs capacities in their control function. RAI will work together with the anti-corruption agencies to identify the sectors where needs are the highest and where the most impact can be achieved. These efforts will be supported by introducing/upgrading of the developed CRA and CPL IT tools in line with the user needs requirements and their absorption capacities.

Main focus will be on achieving more tangible results in the implementation of the CPL and CRA mechanisms in identified
sectors, paired with support to the national authorities in monitoring the implementation and assessing the impact of
these mechanisms.