General Information

Romania has set up a comprehensive institutional anti-corruption framework and its National Anticorruption Strategy is developed, monitored and coordinated by the Ministry of Justice. As part of the country’s efforts to curb corruption, specialized law enforcement bodies dedicated to the fight against middle-level and high-level corruption, have been established.

The National Anti-Corruption Directorate (DNA), a specialized anti-corruption prosecution structure within the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice, was set up to deal only with high and medium-level corruption crimes. Petty corruption cases remain under the responsibility of ordinary prosecution offices to avoid an overload of cases. The law grants the directorate autonomy with regard to its jurisdiction, personnel and resources and it is subject to the regular accountability mechanisms. DNA has its own judiciary police, consisting of judicial police officers seconded from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The National Integrity Agency (ANI) is an autonomous institution that aims at organizing in a unitary and institutionalized manner the control of assets acquired during the exercise of mandates or performance of public dignities positions, verification of conflicts of interest, and incompatibilities. The Agency was established as a unique structure operating at national level.

The Crime Prevention Department within the Ministry of Justice strategically plans the implementation of public policies for preventing and fighting against corruption and serious forms of crime and monitors the implementation of the National Anticorruption Strategy, acting as the strategy’s Technical Secretariat.

The service known as the General Anti-Corruption Directorate (DGA) within the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a police structure having specialized competence on preventing, investigating and combating corruption within the Ministry’s personnel.

Other relevant bodies include: the National Agency for the Management of Seized Assets; the National Authority for Public Procurement; Court of Accounts and the National Office for the Prevention and Control of Money Laundering.

Corruption Perception Surveys

Corruption Perception Index
by Transparency International:
45/100 (2021)
Government Effectiveness (from -2,5 to +2,5),
World Governance Indicators by World Bank:
-0.28 (2019)
Control of Corruption (from -2,5 to +2,5),
World Governance Indicators by World Bank:
-0.13 (2019)
Index of Economic Freedom
by Heritage Foundation:
69.4/100 (2020)
Corruption (1=best, 7=worst),
Nations in Transit by Freedom House:
Democracy Score (1=best, 7=worst),
Nations in Transit by Freedom House:
4.43 (2020)
Fourth evaluation round – Second Interim Compliance Report
Issued: May 2021