Others – Bosnia and Herzegovina Anti Corruption Institutional Framework




Email: saibih@revizija.gov.ba / saibih@bih.net.ba

tel. +387 33 70 35 73

General information

Established: 2000

Structure: headed by Auditor and two Deputy Auditors; divided into several departments and units

Competencies: to audit the operations of the institutions and organizations financed from the State Budget or international organizations as well as public companies where 50 percent plus one share (or more) of its stock is owned by the State; to evaluates whether the management of an institution complies with applicable legislation and whether funds are used as intended



tel. +387 33 492 712

General information

Established: 2003

Structure: headed by Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, and Secretary General, each with their own cabinets; composed of 9 sectors and an inspectorate; the ministry administers seven additional organizations

Competencies: the Department for Organized Crime and Corruption develops anti-corruption policy, monitors and reports on law enforcement, and cooperates internationally in the anticorruption field; implements immigration and asylum processes and policies; protects borders and border crossings; prevent and detect crimes having international or inter-entity elements and to cooperate internationally on such crimes; protects special persons and facilities; supports domestic police bodies; educates and develops staff professionally; provides forensic examination and expertise



Email: vstvbih@pravosudje.ba

tel. +387 33 707 500

General information

Established: 2004

Structure: 15 members recruited among judges (6), prosecutors (5), and other legal professionals (two attorneys elected by the Bar Associations of the Entities, two members elected by the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH and by the Council of Ministers of BiH)

Competencies: to ensure the maintenance of an independent, impartial and professional judiciary through the appointment and professional training of judges, prosecutors and legal associates; to receive complaints against judges and prosecutors and hold disciplinary hearings related to them; to maintain judicial administration, judicial statistics and judicial institutions budgets



Email: bl.ombudsmen@ombudsmen.gov.ba / info@ombudsmen.gov.ba

tel. +387 51 303 992

General information

Established: 1996

Structure: headed by three Ombudsmen; composed of Cabinet and several working departments

Competencies: to investigate grievances filed by individuals or legal entities related to human rights or improper administrative violations, including corruption, committed by any organ of BiH, its entities or Brčko District; if an infringement has been found, to recommend proper solution to relevant institution



Email: urz@bih.net.ba

tel. +387 33 207 682

General information

Established: 2004

Structure: headed by Chairman; composed of three members who are experts in the field of administrative law and procedure and three members who are experts in the fields of works, public purchase, transportation and strategic business management

Competencies: receives complaints regarding contract award procedures and then examines if there has been an infringement; suspends award procedure while objection is being investigated; if infringement is detected, may temporarily halt or entirely terminate parts or whole award procedure or any decisions regarding it



Email: parco.office@parco.gov.ba

tel. +387 33 565 760

General information

Established: 2004

Structure: headed by Coordinator and Deputy Coordinator; divided into four functional units

Competencies: to coordinate between the Council of Ministers, entity governments and government of Brčko District activities that relate to the preparation, adoption and implementation of strategies for the reform of the public administration; also works alongside the Delegation of European Commission in BiH



Email: kontakt@javnenabavke.gov.ba

tel. +387 33 251 590

General information

Established: 2004

Structure: headed by a Director; the Board consists of Minister of Finance and Treasury of BiH, the Minister of Finance of FBiH, the Minister of Finance of RS, and four experts selected by open competition;  the Mayor of Brčko District appoints an observer from the District to the Board; two branches in Banja Luka and Mostar

Competencies: ensures the proper implementation of the Law on Public Procurement; drafts amendments to the Law; manages e-procurement; publishes guides and manuals; provides advice and technical assistance to bidders and contracting authorities; monitors the compliance of contracting authorities with this Law; publishes transparent information about public procurement and awarded public contracts