Specialized Courts:
Email: pios@sudbih.gov.ba
tel. +387 33 707 100
General information
Established: 2002
Competencies: to try cases within its criminal jurisdiction, pertaining to organized crime, economic crime and corruption cases; has jurisdiction over the criminal cases punishable by the laws of entities and the Brčko District of BiH
Level of Independence
– Permanence: established as amendment to the Law on the Court of BiH 06.08.2002 (Official Gazette 24/02)
– Appointment: the Criminal Division is chaired by its President, who is elected by all judges of the Division
– Removal:
1. A judge may not perform his/her judicial duties in the following cases:
a) if she/he has been adversely affected by the crime;
b) if the suspect or accused, his/her defence counsel, the injured party, their legal representative or authorised agent, is his/her spouse or extramarital partner or direct blood relative at whatever degree and in a lateral line up to the fourth degree, or a relative by marriage up to the second degree;
c) if in the same criminal case he or she has performed actions as defence counsel, legal representative or authorised agent of the injured party, or has been examined as a witness or expert.
2. As soon as a judge learns that any of the grounds for disqualification exist, she/he must interrupt all work on that case and inform the president of the court, who shall appoint his/her replacement. If it is a question of disqualification of the president of the court, he/she shall appoint his/her own replacement.
3. If a judge feels that there are other circumstances which justify his/her disqualification, he /she shall so inform the president of the court.
– Immunity: Yes
– Financial Autonomy: budget adopted in standard procedure