Youth perception and knowledge on whistleblowing in the region
Throughout the RAI’s Breaking the Silence project, a series of online surveys among youth was conducted. The youth from the juristidctions of Western Balkans and Moldova were asked about the meaning of whistleblowing. While the results showed interesting similarities, it is also noted some differences in the answers of those who would report corruption if they witnessed it. More about youth views, understanding, and values relating to whistleblowing can be read in the below infographics showing the survey results in each project beneficiary jurisdiction and the comparative visualization.
Video: Young people from Southeast Europe speak up about the importance of reporting corruption
Video features the voices of eleven young people about whistleblowing in fight against corruption.
Youth events on whistleblowing
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European Youth Parliament (EYP) Resolutions Call for Better Enforcement of Whistleblowing
Resolution Booklet – EYP Bosnia and Herzegovina
Resolution Booklet – EYP Albania
* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSC 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration on Independence