Ms. Lejla Hodžić was selected as regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI) Secretariat Intern for the period July – September, 2016.
Ms. Lejla Hodžić is a student of International Law at the American University in BiH. One of the main tasks that Ms. Hodžić was assigned with during the internship was producing a research on Integrity in law enforcement in RAI member countries and other countries of the region. She was also substantially involved in the process of amending RAI internal rules and procedures and significantly contributed to the organization of several RAI events.
Ms. Hodžić also took over the daily tasks of updating RAI website with different content, including publishing anti-corruption news and surveys, updating the mapping of the anti-corruption entities and relevant anti-corruption legislation in South East Europe. She provided valuable contribution in promoting RAI activities and events through social media.
Besides above mentioned tasks, Ms. Hodžić had an opportunity to participate in Secretariat’s everyday activities such as staff meetings and planning sessions as well as project development and implementation sessions.