Ms. Virginia Iordache, RAI Secretariat’s intern from Bucharest, Romania, was a part of the team in the period July – September 2014.
Ms. Iordache has 2 Bachelor’s degrees, she finished University of Bucharest in 2012, Faculty of Applied Modern Languages (English-Spanish) and in 2013 she graduated from the Romanian-American University, Faculty of Law. She attended one semester of Master’s Degree (Public International Law) in the Netherlands, at Leiden University and she is currently enrolled in a Master’s programme at the University of Bucharest, studying European Union Law.
The main task that Ms. Iordache was assigned with during the internship period was to deliver a study on international regional entities and the process of establishing treaties. The study itself required advanced knowledge in international law areas such as international organizations, and international legal instruments. Besides the study as the main internship deliverable, Virginia Iordache proved able to provide valuable contribution towards organizational, programmatic and Secretariat’s everyday activities.
Please downlad Virginia Iordache’s study here.