RAI Secretariat elected Mr. Armanu Marius-Nicolae as Secretariat’s intern from Romania for the period July – September 2015.
Mr. Armanu got his Bachelor degree in Law at the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Rumania in 2011. In 2013, he earned his Master Degree in Forensic Science at the same University. Mr. Armanu also took interest in Chinse language and spent five months Confucius Institute, International College for Chinese Studies, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing city, Jiangsu province China on a full scholarship.
During the internship period, Mr. Armanu dedicated his time to completing the project of mapping the anti-corruption entities and legislation in South East Europe, the project that was started by the previous intern. Mr. Armanu completed the project in the course of his internship and uploaded online the entire mapping project. He also had an opportunity to participate in Secretariat’s everyday activities as well as planning and strategizing sessions.
The mapping process itself, as intern’s main task, required advanced knowledge in the institutional setup of different countries from the region. The essence of the project is that it brings together the totality of anti-corruption actors in the region, including civil society organizations (CSOs), governmental bodies, agencies, specialised departments and specialised court and prosecutor units. In this way, all existing Anti-corruption entities in the region, which are anyhow linked with the fight against corruption, will be accessible from one web location/site that is not only mapping them but also represents an overarching anti-corruption resource centre used as collaborative space for the whole number of anti-corruption actors in the region of South East Europe.