Legislation – Romania Anti Corruption Institutional Framework

Legal Framework

Constitution of Romania (EN)

Criminal Code (RO)

Criminal Code (EN)

Criminal Procedure Code (RO)

Criminal Procedure Code (EN)

Law on the Financing of the Activity of Political Parties and Election Campaigns (RO)

Law on Decisional Transparency in Public Administration (EN)

Law Regarding the Free Access to Information of Public Interest (RO)

Law Regarding the Free Access to Information of Public Interest (EN)

Law on the Statute of judges and prosecutors (EN)

Law on the Superior Council of Magistracy (RO)

Law Regarding the Status of the Police Servants (RO)

Law Regarding the Status of the Police Servants (EN)

Deontological Code for Judges and Prosecutors (EN)

Law on Preventing and Combating Organized Crime (RO)

Law on Preventing and Combatting Organised Crime (EN)

Law on the Prevention and Sanctioning of Money Laundering and on Setting up of Certain Measures for the Prevention and Combating Terrorism Financing (RO)

Law on the Prevention and Sanctioning of Money Laundering and on Setting up of Certain Measures for the Prevention and Combating Terrorism Financing (EN)

Law on Preventing, Discovering and Sanctioning of Corruption Acts (EN)

Law for the prevention, detection and sanctioning of corruption (RO)

Law for the Declaration and Control of Assets of the Officials, Magistrates, of Persons Holding Management and Control Positions and of Public Officials (EN)

Law on certain measures relating to goods received free of charge on the occasion of protocol actions in the exercise of the mandate or function (RO)

Law on the Establishment, Organization and Functioning of National Integrity Agency (EN)

Law on integrity in the exercise of public functions and dignities, for amending and supplementing Law no. 144/2007 on the establishment, organization and functioning of the National Integrity Agency, as well as for the modification and completion of other normative acts (RO)

Law for setting up, organising and functioning of the National Agency for the Management of Seized Assets and for amending and completing several normative acts (RO)

Law on certain measures to ensure transparency in the exercise of public dignity, public office and in the business environment, the prevention and sanctioning of corruption (RO)

Romanian whistleblower protection act (RO)

Government Decision on the Establishment of the National Asset Recovery Office  (RO)

Government Decision on the approval of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy for 2016-2020, the sets of performance indicators, the risks associated with the objectives and measures in the strategy and the sources of verification, the inventory of institutional transparency and corruption prevention measures, evaluation indicators, and standards for the publication of information of public interest (RO)

Government Decision approving the Standard Methodology for assessing corruption risks within the central public authorities and institutions, together with the indicators for estimating the probability of materialization of corruption risks, with the indicators for estimating the impact in case of materialization of corruption risks and the format of the corruption risk register , as well as for the approval of the Methodology for the assessment of integrity incidents within the central public authorities and institutions, together with the format of the annual report for the assessment of integrity incidents (RO)

The integrity Plan for implementing NAS 2016 – 2020 by the judicial authority was approved by Decision no. 161/2018 of the Plenum of the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM), which was later amended by the Decision of the SCM Plenum no. 941/2018

Order on the approval of the Code of internal managerial control of public entities (RO)

Order on the organization and conduct of activities to prevent corruption and education to promote integrity within the National Administration of Penitentiaries and subordinate units (RO)

GEO regarding the National Anticorruption Directorate (EN)

GEO regarding the National Anticorruption Directorate (RO)

Membership in the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO)

Romania is a GRECO Member since 01.05.1999

First Evaluation – ended:

Evaluation report


Compliance report


Addendum to Compliance Report


Second Evaluation – ended:

Evaluation report


Compliance report


Addendum to Compliance Report


Third Evaluation – ended:

Evaluation report

Theme I:


Theme II


Compliance report


Second Compliance Report


Interim Compliance Report


Addendum to the Second Compliance Report


Fourth Evaluation – on going

Evaluation report


Compliance report



Fifth Evaluation – not initiated

Current situation with the UNCAC Reviewing process

Romania signed the Convention on 9 December 2003 and ratified by the Parliament on 6 September 2004.


1st Cycle (Chapters III and IV)


2nd Cycle (pending)