Institutional set-up for prevention and suppression of corruption
Competences: Reporting on the domestic anti-corruption legal and institutional framework, participation in preparation and monitoring of implementation of anti-corruption strategic and programmatic documents, activities for harmonization of the domestic anti-corruption legislation with international standards, inter-agency coordination, cooperation with the GRECO and coordination of the process of the preparation for the plenaries and of activities in the implementation of the GRECO recommendations, continuous cooperation with the UNODC and other UN agencies in the fight against corruption, participation in the UNCAC peer review mechanism, cooperation with the other regional and international organizations and initiatives, other national and international NGOs in the field of anti-corruption, collecting and analyzing statistical data on corruption cases.
Permanence: Law on Prevention of Corruption and Conflict of Interests
Structure: Consists of a president and six members. The State Commission has a Secretariat which performs administrative matters in the competence of the State Commission. The Secretariat is headed by the Secretary General.
Appointment and removal: The President and the members of the State Commission are appointed by the Assembly. The President and the members of the State Commission are selected at a public announcement, published by the National Assembly in accordance with the law, with a mandate of 5 years without a right to repeated election. The President and members of the State Commission from among the members of the State Commission elect the Deputy President of the State Commission by a majority of votes out of the total composition of the State Commission, on the principle of rotation every six months.
Competencies: Prepares national strategy for prevention of corruption and conflict of interest and monitors its implementation; conducts corruption proofing of legislation, receives and acts upon whistleblower reports and is one of five institutions dealing with requests for whistleblower protection; instigates initiatives before the competent authorities for determining liability of officials; monitors the legality of the financing of the political parties; acts in cases of conflict of interest; records and checks the assets and interests declarations, prepares analyses of the risks of corruption in different sectors, undertakes activities in the direction of strengthening personal and institutional integrity and in the field of education and awareness raising on corruption and conflict of interest. The Ministry of Finance holds the risk assessment competences at the level of public institutions and adopted new guidelines on fraud and CRA in 2017, which was followed by the trainings on CRA.
Financial Autonomy: The funds for performing the function of the State Commission are provided from the Budget of the Republic of Macedonia.