Preventive – Bulgaria Anti Corruption Institutional Framework

Institutional set-up for prevention and suppression of corruption

Coordination and Implementation of Anticorruption Policies:



Established: with Council of Ministers` Decree № 136 of 29 May 2015

Competencies: Coordinates the development of strategic and program documents; organizes the reporting of their implementation and their independent external evaluations; discusses the results of the implementation of anti-corruption policies and proposes measures to increase their effectiveness; makes proposals for legislative amendments in the area of anticorruption, makes proposals to the Prime Minister for the initiation of checks by the Chief Inspectorate of the Council of Ministers.

Structure: Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Secretary and Members. The Chairperson is appointed by the Council of Ministers among the Deputy Prime Ministers. The Deputy Chairperson is the Minister of Justice. Among the Members are high level representatives from the government, judiciary, independent public bodies. There is a Civil Council to the NCAP which monitors the implementation of the anticorruption policies.



Competencies: Under the direct supervision of the Prime Minister. Coordinates and supports the activities of the internal inspectorates within the public administration bodies; performs an assessment of the inspectorates` work, supports the implementation of the state anti-corruption policies; exercises control and carries out inspections under the Law for the Combating Corruption and Illegal Assets Forfeiture, considers signals for corruption of representatives of the executive as well as civil servants in a high level position, carries out inspections and informs the Prime Minister of the results; annually presents to the Prime minister a collective report for the checks conducted by the other inspectorates.



Established: 2007

Competencies: Absolute powers to check the integrity, conflict of interest and the assets and property of the magistrates and may cooperate with the CACIAF. The Inspectorate checks the activity of the judicial bodies, including with regard to actions damaging the reputation of the judiciary, without interfering with their independence.

Structure: Chief Inspector and 10 Inspectors, appointed by the Parliament according to procedure, detailed in the Judiciary Act.

Financial Autonomy: The independent budget of the judiciary is part of the state budget.

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Competencies: Conduct research, collect information and prepare opinions regarding the moral qualities of the candidates for position within the judiciary, as well as the candidates for administrative managers and deputy administrative managers, conduct checks for incompatibility in relation to the magistrates.

Prevention/Asset Recovery/Conflict of Interests:


Established: In accordance with the Law for the Combating Corruption and Illegal Assets Forfeiture, in force since 23 January 2018.

Competencies: Implementing preventive activities against corruption; gathering, analyzing and verifying information where there is a reason to believe that senior public officials commit acts of corruption; verifying declarations of assets and interests of senior public officials, detecting conflict of interest regarding senior public officials, checking assets` status; verifying alerts in relation to declarations of incompatibility of senior public officials and referring such alerts to the electing or appointing authority for an appropriate response; initiation of unlawfully acquired assets forfeiture proceedings. The work of CACIAF is supervised by the Parliament.

Structure: Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson and three other members. The Chairperson is appointed by the Parliament on proposal by the MPs. The Deputy Chairperson and the three other Members are appointed by the Parliament on proposal of the acting Chairperson, according to procedural rules adopted by the Parliament

Financial Autonomy: the budget is formed of incomes and revenues from collected assets forfeiture and assets sanctions based on CACIAF`s decisions that have entered into force, respectively penal decrees of the Chairperson. The cost part is formed from a subsidy from the state budget. The budget is reported under the Public Finance Act.