Legal Framework
Electoral Code (AL)
Electoral Code (EN)
Law 152/2013 on the Civil Servant with amendments 2014 (EN)
Law on the Right to Information (EN)
Law on Protection of Personal Data Protection (EN)
Law on the People’s Advocate (AL)
Law on the Rules of Ethics in the Public Administration (EN)
Law on Financing of Political Parties (EN)
Law on Public Procurement (EN)
Law on Public Financial Inspection (EN)
Law on Public Cooperation in Combating Corruption (EN)
Law on organization and functioning of State Supreme Audit Institutions (AL)
Law on the Organization and Functioning of Judicial Police (EN)
Law on the Organisation of the Judicial Power (EN)
Law on the Organization and Functioning of the Institutions in the Fight against Corruption and Organized Crime (AL)
Law on the Status of Judges and Prosecutors with Amending Law 50/2021 (EN)
Law on Transitional Re-evaluation of Judges and Prosecutors (EN)
Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing (AL)
Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing (EN)
Law on measures againts terrorism financing (EN)
Law on the Prevention of Conflicts of Interest in the Exercise of Public Functions (AL)
Law on the Prevention of Conflicts of Interest in the Exercise of Public Functions (EN)
Law on the Protection of Witnesses and Justice Collaborators (AL)
Law on the Protection of Witnesses and Justice Collaborators (EN)
Law No. 50/2016 on the Whistleblowing and whistleblower protection (AL)
Law No. 50/2016 on the Whistleblowing and whistleblower protection (EN)
Law no. 60/2016 “On Reporting and Protection of Whistleblowers (AL)
Decision on the Creation of the Anti Corruption Task Force (EN)
Inter- Sectoral Strategy against Corruption 2015-2023 (AL)
Action Plan 2020-2023 in implementation of the Inter- Sectoral Strategy against Corruption (AL)
Law on the organisation and functioning of Administrative Courts (EN)
Law 114/2015 on Internal Auditing in the Public Sector (EN)
Membership in the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO)
Albania is a GRECO Member since 27.04.2001
First Evaluation, completed:
Second Evaluation, completed:
Third Round Evaluation, completed:
Theme I –
Theme II –
Fourth Round Evaluation, completed:
Fifth Round Evaluation, completed:
Current situation with the UNCAC Reviewing process
Albania signed the UNCAC on 18 December 2003 and ratified on 25 May 2006
UNCAC: Cycle 1 (Chapter III and IV):
Cycle 2 (Chapter II and IV) – not started yet.