Preventive – Romania Anti Corruption Institutional Framework

Institutional set-up for prevention and suppression of corruption


Established: 2007

Structure: The agency is headed by a president, assisted by a vice-president, appointed by the Senate, on the basis of a competition or examination, as the case may be, at the proposal of the National Integrity Council. It is also consisted of integrity inspectors, civil servants and contract staff.

Competencies: manages the system of assets and interests declarations, as well as the identification, prevention and combating of integrity incidents.

Appointment and removal: The President and the Vice-President of the Agency are appointed by the Senate (the mandate cannot be renewed), following the competition organized according to Law no. 144/2007 on the establishment, organization and functioning of the National Integrity Agency, republished, subsequently amended. The president and the vice-president of the Agency may be removed from office only in the situations provided by the law. The Senate issues a decision for dismissal, at the proposal of the National Integrity Council.

Budget: The Agency’s current and capital expenditures are fully financed from the state budget.

Web: and

Structure: headed by a director and a deputy director, the department is coordinated by the minister of justice.

Competencies: The Department strategically plans the implementation of public policies for preventing and fighting against corruption and serious forms of crime. Also, it represents the ministry at regular meetings of the specialized committees of the Council of Europe, specialized bodies of the United Nations and of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, of the European Union and other international and regional organisations.

Competencies as Technical Secretariat of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy: To support the monitoring process of the implementation of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy, namely  to identify the progress made in the implementation of the NAS; to identify and correct the practical problems encountered in the application of the anticorruption policies and norms; to increase the level of knowledge, understanding and implementation of the measures for corruption prevention, at the level of the public and private sector.

The Technical Secretariat conducts activities such as:

(1) Centralization and periodical updating of the stage of implementation of the inventory of the measures of institutional transparency and corruption prevention (annex 3 to the Government Decision), based on the self-assessment reports;
(2) Documentation and dissemination of good practices identified;
(3) Organization of the thematic missions;
(4) Performance of annual surveys and continuation of forensic studies.Also, the stage of implementation of the strategy is evaluated based on monitoring reports drafted annually by the Technical Secretariat.
Budget: Financed from the state budget. Some of the measures provided by the National Anticorruption Strategy were implemented by the Ministry of Justice through EU-funded projects (as leader or partner).