RAI Secretariat elected Ms. Jasna Campara as Secretariat’s intern from Bosnia and Herzegovina for the period January – March 2015.
Ms. Campara got her Bachelor of Arts degree in International Studies and German at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte – Charlotte, NC (USA), in 2009. In 2011, during her Bachelor studies, she was studying a year abroad on the Erasmus exchange program at the Pädagogische Hochschule in Ludwigsburg, Germany. In 2014, she was engaged as a Project Assistant at Post-Conflict Research Center in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
During the internship period, Jasna Campara dedicated her time to the main task of mapping the anti-corruption entities in South Eastern Europe, but also she had an opportunity to participate in Secretariat’s everyday activities.
The mapping process itself, as intern’s main task, required advanced knowledge in the institutional setup of different countries from the region. Besides its theoretical qualities, the mapping, will serve the Secretariat in its practical activities as input for the first stage of a larger project on establishing regional anti-corruption resource centre and interactive map. This makes Jasna Campara’s work a valuable asset for the Secretariat not just during the internship period, but also for the future activities of the Secretariat especially in terms of the implementation of the SEE Strategy 2020 Program on building capacities of anti-corruption entities and improving their cooperation.