Ms. Dženeta Tabaković was selected as Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI) Secretariat Intern for the period May – July 2017, after being the most successful among the candidates in the selection process. Due to extraordinary results achieved during the mentioned period, her Internship was renewed for the period September – December 2017.
Ms. Tabaković actively participated in Secretariat’s everyday activities such as staff meetings and planning sessions as well as project development sessions, which enabled her an inside look into work of an regional organisation, as well as RAI’s anti-corruption activities. One of the main tasks that Ms. Tabaković was assigned with during the internship was updating RAI website with different content, including publishing anti-corruption news and surveys, updating the mapping of the anti-corruption entities and relevant anti-corruption legislation in South East Europe. In addition, she also actively used social media in promoting RAI activities.
Ms. Tabakovic was actively engaged in implementation of the Regional Programme on Strengthening the Capacity of Anti-corruption Authorities and Civil Society to Combat Corruption and Contribute to the UNCAC Review Process, which is implemented by RAI Secretariat in partnership with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), and supported by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA). She analysed implementation data and produced comprehensive evaluation reports for different activities such as trainings, workshops, seminars etc.
Ms. Tabaković had a chance to participate at the Regional Workshop “Corruption Risk Assessment and Institutional Integrity”, which was held on 30 – 31 May 2017 in Podgorica, Montenegro, organized by RAI and Centre for Security Cooperation (RACVIAC), and hosted by the Ministry of Defence of Montenegro. Moreover, she significantly contributed to preparation of the event, being involved in both programmatic and logistical aspects.
During her intenship, Ms. Tabakovic participated in the Gender Mainstreaming Training as a part of Staff Development in RAI Secretariat.