
Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI) Secretariat has the pleasure to present the Work Plan for the 2023-2025 period that has been adopted by the Steering Group of the Initiative, following the drafting, consultation and revision process.

RAI Work Plan 2023-2025 represents a compilation of national needs, regional demands and international commitments. Its intention is to inform wider anti-corruption community and all the stakeholders of RAI’s strategic direction and actions.

The Work Plan 2023 -2025 is a product of joint efforts of RAI Secretariat and the representatives of its member countries and observer countries. Their continued presence in Secretariat’s work is invaluable.

RAI Secretariat also wishes to acknowledge its Partners who shared their invaluable expertise and knowledge in support of the implementation of the last Work Plan 2021-2022 and during the preparation of the new Work Plan 2023-2025.