Combating Corruption in the Western Balkans: strengthening regional cooperation in the field of asset recovery
This report concludes the two-year regional project “Strengthening the anticorruption in the South East Europe through improving asset seizure measures” which was implemented by the AIRE Centre (Advice on Individual Rights in Europe) and the Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative Secretariat (RAI), funded by the UK Government
Publisher: AIRE Centre and RAI
Author: Jill Thomas
Year of Publishing: 2021
Additional Language Versions: Albanian, Bosnian/Croatian/Montenegrin/Serbian, Macedonia
Effective Implementation of Asset Recovery Measures in the Western Balkans: an overview of a regional monitoring methodology, key benchmarks and case studies of good practice
The report “Effective Implementation of Asset Recovery Measures in the Western Balkans: an overview of a regional monitoring methodology, key benchmarks and case studies of good practice” includes an overview of the regional monitoring methodology, best practice, and steps forward, and it presents the most important standards derived from international sources, in particular from the European Union.
Publisher: AIRE Centre and RAI
Authors: E. Mujanovic, L. Mandia, G. Ismajli, A. Ivanovic, M. Lazarova-Trajkovska, R. Dragicevic-Dicic
Year of Publishing: 2020
Additional Language Versions: Albanian, Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian/Montenegrin and Macedonian
Handbook on Effective Asset Recovery in Compliance with European and International Standards
This Handbook provides an overview of the international standards on the confiscation of the proceeds of crime and corruption. First, it addresses the questions of what confiscation is and why it is important. Second, it identifies the key international conventions and gives an indication of the scope of each one. Third, it explains the approach that those standards take on key aspects of confiscation.
Publisher: AIRE Centre and RAI
Authors: K. Kamber, W. Ferris, C. Harby E. Haxhia, A. Selmani, E. Mujanovic, D. Datzer, G. Ismajli, A. Ivanovic, M. L. Trajkovska, R. D Dicic
Year of Publishing: 2019
Additional Language Versions: Albanian, Bosnian/Croatian/Montenegrin/Serbian, Macedonian, Romanian
Tools and Best Practices for International Asset Recovery Cooperation Handbook
This handbook aims to assists asset recovery practitioners to conduct effective international asset recovery by providing best practice guidance for international cooperation. It contains relevant international and European asset recovery legislation, standards and mechanisms for international cooperation, and will be a practical hands-on tool for investigators, prosecutors, judges and other institutions involved in asset tracing and identification, freezing and seizure, confiscation (including non-conviction based confiscation) and international asset disposal.
Publisher: RAI and AIRE Centre
Authors: AML Consulting (Global) Ltd: J. Thomas, L. Day, F. Jackson
Year of Publishing: 2019
Additional Language Versions: Albanian
Bosnian/Croatian/Montenegrin/Serbian (also available Cyrillic)
Asset Recovery - A Comparative Analysis of Legislation and Practice Bulgaria, Croatia, Moldova and Romania
The purpose of this study is to assess the current seizure and confiscation mechanisms available in Bulgaria, Croatia, Moldova and Romania, in order to establish their efficient and effective use in the context of the asset recovery process..
Publisher: RAI and OSCE
Author: Pedro Gomes Pereira
Year of publishing: 2018
Language Versions: English
Asset Recovery in the Western Balkans – A Comparative Analysis of Legislation and Practice
The purpose of this study is to assess the current seizure and confiscation mechanisms available in the Western Balkans jurisdictions, in order to establish their efficient and effective use in the context of the asset recovery process.
Publisher: RAI and AIRE Centre
Author: Pedro Gomes Pereira
Year of publishing: 2018
Language Versions: English