Strengthening regional cooperation in asset disclosure is aligned with the national strategies and priorities for strengthening capacities for verification of the asset declarations, as the key preventive tool for illegal enrichment and conflict of interest of public officials. International Treaty for Exchange of Data for Verification of Asset Declaration (hereafter: Treaty), as a legal framework for ensuring the international exchange of data disclosure was developed and negotiated during the ADA-funded Regional Programme (2015-2020), whereas the planned signing of the Treaty by three SEE countries was postponed from early 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic.
Bearing in mind the previous achievements, this Objective will entail facilitating the signing of the Treaty by at least 4 countries and its implementation into the national practice and developing a regional framework and mechanism for data exchange on asset disclosure. Strengthening of regional cooperation in asset disclosure will be addressed through the accession of additional jurisdictions to the Treaty, enhancing regional cooperation strengthening national capacities in the delivery of oversight competencies, and setting up a monitoring tool for evaluation of the level of implementation.
RAI aims to deliver the International Treaty on Data Exchange on asset disclosure and support signatories in its implementation, as a tool that allows domestic integrity institutions to more thoroughly verify the veracity of asset declarations of their national officials. Operationalisation of the International Treaty will entail advocating for legislative changes in targeted jurisdictions from and beyond the region towards accession to the Treaty and for the accession itself, initial signing of the Treaty and supplemental accession to the Treaty; establishing, facilitating coordination and cooperation, and providing capacity building for the regional network of focal points. Consequently, the Treaty will
institute a unique international framework for cooperation on data exchange in asset disclosure, the jurisdictions from and beyond the region will benefit from.
RAI’s activities related to the Treaty are continuing through the SEE-TAC II project.