- December 18, 2015
- Posted by: admin
- Category: RAI News
Regional Anti-corruption Initiative, in collaboration with the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) and Commission for the Resolution of Conflict of Interest of the Republic of Croatia organized the Regional Meeting of the Oversight Bodies for Asset Disclosure and Conflict of Interest, which took place on 15-16 December in Zagreb, Republic of Croatia.
The event was attended by the high level representatives from South Eastern Europe, who are in charge of the conflict of interest prevention and asset disclosure policy implementation. The meeting provided an opportunity to discuss the most relevant and challenging topics in the area of conflict of interest and asset disclosure, in particular how the conflict of interest violations can be detected, how to calculate unjustified wealth and how to overcome existing impediments in achieving effective verification. Special attention was paid to the existing issues related to personal data protection, access to information and registers, usage of open source information and cooperation among relevant bodies within countries.
Moreover, participants exchanged views and practical examples of international cooperation in conflict of interest prevention and asset disclosure verification. The best practices in this regard were presented by the representative of the World Bank, Ms. Ivana Maria Rossi, who expressed support to the initiative of building the regional network and enhancing cooperation among South Eastern Europe countries in the field of conflict of interest and asset disclosure.
The meeting resulted in outlining the most demanding common challenges and needs that oversight bodies from South Eastern Europe face in undertaking their mission, but also in identifying the steps to address those challenges and needs from a regional perspective. Sharing of experiences and presentation of practical cases enabled better understanding of existing practices and mechanisms on the national level.
Representatives of the oversight bodies for conflict of interest prevention and asset disclosure expressed need to improve regional cooperation and data exchange in this area. Continuation of regional activities and promotion of positive practical examples were proposed as well.
Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative stressed out its commitment to support countries in their efforts, in particular by strengthening regional cooperation on data exchange in asset disclosure and conflict of interest.