RAI Secretariat Delivers Handbooks On Asset Recovery To Moldovan National Anti-corruption Authorities
- November 5, 2020
- Posted by: admin
- Category: RAI News

The Moldovan Criminal Assets Recovery Agency (CARA), a specialized autonomous subdivision within the National Anticorruption Center of the Republic of Moldova, has received a set of copies of the Handbook “Confiscation of the Proceeds of Corruption – An overview of United Nations, Council of Europe and European Union Guidelines and Standards” and the “Tools and Best Practices for International Asset Recovery Cooperation Handbook”. The handbooks were developed within the framework of the 2-years regional project “Strengthening Anti-Corruption Work in South East Europe through Improving Asset Seizure Measures” which is implemented by the Advice on Individual Rights in Europe (AIRE) Centre and the Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI) Secretariat. The project is funded by UK government.
The handbooks delivered to CARA were adapted, translated and published in Romanian with the financial support of Konrad Adenauer Foundation.
The purpose of these publications is to provide prosecutors, judges and practitioners working in the field of asset recovery in the SEE region with an overview of the international standards on the confiscation of the proceeds of crime and corruption, as well as with tools and mechanisms for effective international cooperation in asset recovery cases.