- June 8, 2018
- Posted by: admin
- Categories: RAI News, SEE News
On June 6-7, RAI Secretariat paid a visit to Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs & Austrian Development Agency ADA, as well as partners in OSCE and UNODC.
The visit took place in the context of the Southeast Europe Regional Programme on Strengthening the Capacity of Anti-corruption Authorities and Civil Society to Combat Corruption and Contribute to the UNCAC Review Process implemented by Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative alongside with UNODC and funded by the Austrian Development Agency.
RAI Secretariat namely sought assistance of the Federal Ministry for Europe Integration and Foreign Affairs with the negotiations about the Draft International Treaty on Exchange of Data for the Verification of Asset Declarations.
In Austrian Development Agency, RAI Secretariat presented its current efforts on implementation of the Regional Programme funded by ADA and stressed the multiple benefits the Regional Programme has brought to the anti-corruption community in SEE Region as well as RAI itself. RAI Secretariat also held coordination meeting with its Partner on the Regional Programme UNODC discussing the current actions and remaining timeline with special focus on the follow up activities and measures.
In the course of the visit, meetings were held with OSCE HQ in Vienna on a continued dialogue about current and future cooperation of the two organisations.
For more information please contact the Secretariat.
RAI Secretariat
08 June 2018