
30th RAI Steering Group Meeting – 24th and 25th September in Skopje, North Macedonia

The 30th Steering Group Meeting of the Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI) took place in Skopje, North Macedonia on September 24th and 25th, 2019. The meeting was organized by the RAI Secretariat. Focus of the Steering Group Meeting was the election of the new RAI Chairperson as well as presentation and discussion about the amendments to RAI...

Tirana, Albania: Second round 3-days training on International Cooperation

The Second Round of 3-days Regional Training on Mutual Legal Assistance and Asset Recovery, organized by the Advice on Individual Rights in Europe (AIRE) Centre and Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI) Secretariat is a continuation of the Regional Mutual Legal Assistance and Asset Recovery Training held on 11-13 June 2019 in Skopje, Macedonia. The training has...

Belgrade, Serbia: Second round of 2-days training on effective asset recovery

AIRE Centre (Advice on Individual Rights in Europe) and RAI Secretariat partnered up to implement a 2-year Regional Project on asset recovery titled “Strengthening anti-corruption in the South East Europe through improving asset seizure measures” (the Regional Anti-corruption Project). The announced Training is a continuation of the Training on Effective Asset Recovery: Legal Standards and...

International Conference on ‘Counter Corruption Best Practices – Increased Effectiveness through Interagency and Multi-Sectoral Approaches’ – March 07-10, 2011 – Zagreb, Croatia

  The International Conference on ”Counter Corruption Best Practices – Increased Effectiveness through Interagency and Multi-Sectoral Approaches” took place on March 07-10, 2011, in Zagreb, Croatia. The event was co-organized by the United States Department of State Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs and the George Marshall European Center for Security Studies in cooperation with...

RAI School for Junior Anti-Corruption Practitioners in the SEE

RAI in cooperation with the Judicial Academy of Croatia and the UNODC Global Judicial Integrity Group and with the support of the Central European Initiative (CEI) organized the 15th Edition of the School for young anti-corruption practitioners from Southeast Europe (online) as a series of 4 webinars under the general topic: “Promoting Integrity in Processing Corruption...

Meeting of the SEE Coalition on Whistleblower Protection

The Southeast Europe Coalition on Whistleblower Protection (hereinafter: the Coalition) held its first video Annual Meeting on 30 November 2020, with the support of the Regional Anti-corruption Initiative Secretariat (RAI Secretariat), provided under its EU funded project ‘Breaking the Silence: Enhancing whistleblowing policies and culture in Western Balkans and Moldova’ (hereinafter: the Project). The meeting was hosted...