- December 22, 2021
- Posted by: Aida Zukic
- Category: RAI News

The Conference of the States Parties (COSP) to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), which closed its 9th session on 17 December 2021, adopted one declaration and nine resolutions and decisions relevant for the implementation of the Convention, as well as for awareness raising on anti-corruption related topics. To access full COSP 9 documentation, please use the following link.
During the CoSP9, the resolution on Strengthening the Implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption at the regional levels, tabled by Angola, Egypt, Honduras, Portugal and Switzerland, was adopted.
The referred resolution was inspired by several regional initiatives and aims to accelerate the implementation of the UNCAC, as well highlights the importance of the States Parties of the Convention to search regional solutions for combating corruption and seize the opportunities granted by the regional and international organizations.
The resolution encourages State Parties to continue building, in collaboration with other partners, regional platforms for countries to fast-track effective implementation of the UNCAC by benefiting from regional capacities and knowledge to identify achievable and practical reform priorities. Moreover, it also encourages regional and national anti-corruption agencies and, where appropriate, other relevant stakeholders with anti-corruption responsibilities to continue their efforts in preventing and combating corruption and working together, including at the regional level.
Furthermore, the resolution is aimed at establishing a new legal benchmark for combating corruption and is flexible to b adapt by various regional initiatives as well as reinforce the national capacities for domestic implementation through the technical assistance as stated in the UNCAC.
The said resolution invites relevant regional organizations, within their mandates, to continue to prioritize and expand their initiatives in the area of prevention and the fight against corruption.
Due to the transversal and important approach of the resolution, many State Parties co-sponsored its development, as follows: Brazil, Kiribati, Dominican Republic, Mozambique, Lebanon, Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay, EU (and its MS), Norway, Canada, Nigeria, Ghana, Belgium, Morroco, Oman, United States, and Saudi Arabia.
During its participation at CoSP, RAI Secretariat had a side meeting with a representative of the Permanent Mission of Angola in Vienna regarding the draft resolution. Both sides concluded that RAI, as a regional intergovernmental organization dealing with anti-corruption issues could serve as a great example to establishments of similar initiatives in other parts of the world. Both sides expressed openness to work together and create an appropriate atmosphere to enhance the regional efforts towards the combating corruption.
Please use the following links to find out more about RAI’s participation at the 9th session of COSP and about RAI’s Special event Southeast Europe together against corruption.