Welcome to the Whistleblowing Learning Platform

The Platform was developed as part of the project “Breaking the Silence: Enhancing Whistleblowing Policies and Culture in the Western Balkans and Moldova”, funded by the European Union, with the aim to strengthen the regional exchange and information sharing for professionals working on the implementation of the whistleblowing legislation and policies.

This Platform entails the latest news and resources to allow exchange of best practices among professionals on whistleblowing at the regional and sub-regional level.

The Platform hosts a library of whistleblowing legislation, policies, cases, researches, reports and other available data for public institutions and other professionals, as well as civil society and the public at large. Additionally, the Platform offers a Roster of  professionals with expertise in the field of whistleblowing, transparency and data protection.

Finally, the Platform provides contact information of public institutions and EU delegations in the targeted jurisdictions which are key partners to RAI Secretariat on the enhancement of whistleblower protection. Last but not least, the Platform offers a list of CSOs and networks involved in whistleblowing and whistleblower protection in SEE.