Whistleblower Protection Civil Society Organisations


CSDG mission is to improve democracy, governance and policy making in Albania by generating evidence-based research, monitoring public attitudes and opinions, and by promoting an informed engagement of citizens.

e-mail: office@csdgalbania.org

web: http://csdgalbania.org/

IDM released an in-depth study on Albania’s whistleblower-related laws in 2013,provided detailed input on the proposed whistleblower law, and advocated for its passage in 2016 in cooperation with the Southeast Europe Coalition on Whistleblower Protection.

phone: 355 4 240 0241

e-mail: info@idmalbania.org

web: https://idmalbania.org

Partners Albania, the Minister of State on Local Issues, as the National Anti-corruption Coordinator and the Chief Inspector of the High Inspectorate on Audit of Assets and Conflict of Interests signed a MoU on implementation of the whistleblowing law and whistleblowers protection.

The Tirana EU Info Center and Partners Albania organized an event with Tirana University students at which the whistleblower law was presented and discussed.

phone:  042254881

email: partners@partnersalbania.org

web: https://partnersalbania.org

AHC is the most prominent organization for the protection and promotion of human rights in Albania, as well as a leading partner for other non-government organizations, Albanian public institutions, international agencies and programs that work to advance respect for human rights in Albania.

Phone: +355 (0)4 223 3671
Mobile AHC Office: 068 20 236 99
Mobile Legal Clinic: 069 40 757 32
e-mail: office@ahc.org.al

web: https://ahc.org.al/en/?s=whistleblowing

BIRN Albania is an non-governmental media organization based in Tirana, which specializes in investigative reporting, publishing and media monitoring.

Phone: +355 44 502 592E-mailoffice.albania@birn.eu.com

Web: https://birn.eu.com/network/birn-albania/

Bosnia and Herzegovina

CIN is dedicated to investigative reporting, aimed toward providing fair and unbiased information, based on evidences and solid proof, to BiH citizens who need to make educated decisions.

phone: + 387 33 560 040

e-mail: info@cin.ba

web: https://www.cin.ba

INFOHOUSE was a champion (2015-2019) in advocating for strengthening whistleblowing legislations at all levels of BiH government, empowerment of protection of whistleblowers and free legal aid. 

e-mail: infohouse@infohouse.ba

web: www.infohouse.ba

CROA deals with anti-corruption issues with youth engagement, a new member in the SEE Whistleblowing Coalition. CROA assisted RAI to carry out an on-line whistleblowing survey, which we first tested in BiH. They are currently implementing the regional-based activity with the WB youth groups on media literacy.

Phone: +387 33 202 382

Email: udruzenjecroa@hotmail.com

The vision of TI is based on equity, transparency and accountability, able to prevent and punish corruption. Currently implementing the national anti-corruption project.

phone: +387 51 224 520 / +387 51 224 521

e-mail:  info@ti-bih.org

web: www.transparency.org

BIRN BiH is the media NGO based in Sarajevo, focused on monitoring and reporting about war crimes. Since 2015, BIRN BiH has programmed  the project dedicated to monitoring and reporting about organized crimes, corruption and terrorism. 

phone: +387 33 237 269
e-mail: urednik@birn.eu.com, office.bih@birn.eu.com

web: www.detektor.ba www.birn.eu.com

CPI Foundation is a non-governmental, non-profit organization which actively supports the development of civil society by collecting, analyzing, and publishing data that are of interest to citizens. CPI Foundation strives for public and verified data to be made easily accessible to citizens not professionally engaged in public administration and public finance.

e-mail: Zoran.ivancic@cpi.ba



The chief mission is to contribute to good governance and prevention and fight of corruption by  supporting and promoting active citizenry, enhancing transparency and accountability of public institutions through promotion and advocacy.

e-mail:  Yllka Buzhala yllkabuzhala@levizjafol.org

web: https://levizjafol.org/

KDI (National Chapter of Transparency International) advocates for continued legal, administrative and systemic improvements to prevent corruption and misuse of public money, and also focuses on whistleblower-related issues.

phone: +381 (0)38 248 038

e-mail: info@kdi-kosova.org

web: http://kdi-kosova.org/

Kosovo Law Institute (KLI) is non-governmental organization and non-profit of public policy, and specialized in the justice sector.  Through specific programs for justice in elections and anti-corruption, KLI works to synthesize them in a comprehensive approach toward advancing justice in Kosovo, through educational and awareness activities.

e-mail: info@kli-ks.org

web: www.kli-ks.org

BIRN Kosovo is an independent, non-governmental organisation, whose goals are to providing information to the citizens and contributing to the democratic transition process in the country, promoting accountability, rule of law and policy reform.

Phone: + 383 38 22 44 98


Web: https://birn.eu.com/network/birn-kosovo/birn-kosovo-contact-us/


The organizations have produced articles, videos and other public outreach materials, and have held numerous consultations with policy-makers and officials. CReDO has held the chairmanship of the Moldova Anticorruption Alliance (ACA) (2014-2016).

The ACA is a network of 22 organizations active in preventing and combating corruption.

The organizations have produced articles, videos and other public outreach materials, and have held numerous consultations with policy-makers and officials. CReDO has held the chairmanship of the Moldova Anticorruption Alliance (ACA) (2014-2016).

phone: +373 22 23 83 84

e-mail: contact@capc.md
web: www.capc.md



The organizations have produced articles, videos and other public outreach materials, and have held numerous consultations with policy-makers and officials. CReDO has held the chairmanship of the Moldova Anticorruption Alliance (ACA) (2014-2016).

phone: +37360637510

e-mail: olga.bitca@credo.md
web: www.credo.md

TI holds the powerful and corrupt to account, by exposing the systems and networks that enable corruption. TI advocates for policies and laws to change the system, and build coalitions to drive national, regional and global change.

Phone:+373-22 202 485

e-mail: office@transparency.md

web: www.transparency.md

RISE-Moldova, the Association of Investigative Reporters and Editorial Security, is based in Chisinau. It was established in 2014 and presents the editorial of BIRN.

Web: http://www.rise.md/english


CRNVO is a non-profit NGO established in 1999 whose aim is to advance the status of NGOs in Montenegro and open the way to increased democracy in the country.

contact person:  Zorana Markovic


web: www.crnvo.me

CEDEM is think-tank NGO with a long history in democratic transition, including research, analysis and follow processes by strengthening civil society and democratization in general.

phone: +382 20 234 114

e-mail: info@cedem.me

web: http://www.cedem.me/

Along with the partners from the Action SEE Network in Serbia, B&H, North Macedonia worked on anti-corruption reform processes.

phone: +382 20 331 227
e-mail: cdtmn@t-com.me

web: https://www.cdtmn.org

Institute alternativa aims at strengthening of democracy and good governance through research and policy analysis as well as monitoring of public institutions performance.

phone: +382 20 268 686

web: https://institut-alternativa.org/

MANS is an NGO that fights against corruption and organized crime.  It is engaged in: Investigating cases of corruption and organized crime; Monitoring the implementation of legislation and government policy; Providing free legal aid to citizens, CSOs, media and businesses; Developing law and policy proposals and analysis; conducting advocacy campaigns.

phone: +382 20 266 326 / +382 20 266 327

Cell: +382 69 446 094 / +382 67 262 724

e-mail: mans@t-com.me

web: http://www.mans.co.me/en

Strengthening investigative reporting and the capacities of investigative journalists in Montenegro, as well as the quality of media coverage of EU negotiation chapters, are the focus of this EU-supported project that began in February 2017. and presents the editorial of BIRN.

Email: editor@birn.eu.com

web: https://balkaninsight.com/about-birn/

North Macedonia

phone: +389 2 3094 760 / +389 2 3094 760

email: info@transparency-mk.org.mk  contact@idscs.org.mk

web: http://www.antikorupcija.mk/


Aleksandar Krzalovski – akr@mcms.mk

Snezana Kamilovska Trpovska – skt@mcms.mk 

Natasha Ivanovska – niv@mcms.mk

President Marko Trosanovski – marko@idsc.org.mk

Misha Popovic (Project Coordinator, Researcher) – misha@idscs.org.mk

SCOOP-Macedonia is nongovernmental and non-profitable organization aimed to promote, support and stimulate investigative journalism.

web: http://www.scoop.mk

Works on raising public and political awareness of the importance of protecting whistleblowers, publishing whistleblowers stories and cases, and proposing and successfully advocating for the whistleblower law that passed in November 2015.

email: info@transparency.mk

phone: +389 2 3217000

web: http://www.transparency.org.mk


Organized a series of roundtables at the four main university centers in Macedonia in 2016 to promote whistleblowing in the universities and explore the potential of the whistleblower law to prevent corruption in higher education in Macedonia.

phone: + 389 2 3109 932

email: crpm@crpm.org.mk

web: http://www.crpm.org.mk

CCC monitors government institutions, recommends an-corruption measures, and supports journalists and other NGOs in the fight against corruption.

phone: +389 2 3213 513 / +389 2 3213 513

e-mail: center@ccc.org.mk

web: http://www.ccc.org.mk

BIRN Macedonia, an independent NGO, was founded in 2004 as part of the regional Balkan Investigative Reporting Network. It aims to consolidate the country’s stability and accelerate its political, economic and social reform within its chosen framework of Euro-Atlantic integration. It does so through high-quality journalism and facilitation of cross-sector debate on key challenges.

Phone: +389 2 329-0280

E-mail: office.macedonia@birn.eu.com


Receives and investigates whistleblower reports and retaliation complaints, advocates for strong whistleblower rights, provides advice and supports to whistleblowers, and legally represents whistleblowers in certain cases.

phone: + 381 63 7705 925



web: pistaljka.rs


Advocates for whistleblowers, studies public opinions on the issue, and works with policy-makers to implement whistleblowing and other anti-corruption policies.

phone: +381 11 262 6113 / +381 69 428 3231

e-mail: office@birodi.rs  zoran.gavrilovic@birodi.rs

web: www.birodi.rs

TI is non- partisan, non-governmental and non-for profit voluntary organization established with the aim of curbing corruption in Serbia.

The European Union has supported the Advocacy and Legal Advice Centre’s (ALAC) project, which is be implemented by TI Serbia and  NIIT. The main objective of the project is to enhance the governance quality by means of facilitating citizens’ initiatives and engaging them in the fight against corruption in administration.

phone: + 381 (0) 11 3033 827
e-mail: ts@transparentnost.org.rs

web: http://www.transparentnost.org.rs

BIRN Serbia’s mission is to advance the country’s political, social and economic transition through the provision of objective and quality information, the training of journalists, and providing assistance for institutional reforms and the public as Serbia moves forward.

Phone: +381 11 40 30 316

E-mail: office.serbia@birn.eu.com

Web: birn.eu.com/network/birn-macedonia/

CSO Networks

As the first regional initiative of its kind, the Coalition brings together activists, journalists and experts to strengthen legal rights for whistleblowers and support their efforts to achieve justice, thus carrying the banner for employees and citizens who report crime and corruption throughout the region.

Coalition coordinators:

Arjan Dyrmishi, Center for the Study of Democracy and Governance, adyrmishi@csdgalbania.org

Mark Worth, European Center for Whistleblower Rights, mark.worth@see-wb.org

web: https://see-whistleblowing.org/

SEEMO is a regional non-governmental, non-profit network of editors, media executives and leading journalists in Southeast, South, East and Central Europe. 

phone: +43 1 513 39 40​

e-mail: vujovic@seemo.org

web: www.seemo.org

The UNCAC Coalition is a global network of over 350 civil society organisations (CSOs) in over 100 countries, committed to promoting the ratification, implementation and monitoring of the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC).

Phone: +43 (0) 1 890 38 65

E-mail: info@uncaccoalition.org

Web: www.uncaccoalition.org