28th RAI Steering Group Meeting – 19 November 2018 Tirana, Albania

The 28th Steering Group Meeting of the Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI) took place in Tirana, Albania on November 19, 2018. The meeting was organized by the RAI Secretariat and chaired by the Chairperson Mr. Todor Kolarov.

Focus of the Steering Group Meeting was presentation and discussion about the amandmants to RAI Secretariat internal documents and procedures.
The meeting was an opportunity to exchange views with the Ministry of Justice of Albania. The Minister of Justice Ms. Etilda Gjonaj stressed that Albania has shown courage and commitment to policy development related to prevention of corruption, as well as in repression side, elaborating on the key elements of this process.

Mr. Vladan Joksimovic, Head of Secretariat informed the Steering Group about main activities of the Secretariat for past several months and announced activities to take place in the following period. The particular focus was given to the past and future activities related to International Treaty on Exchange of Data for the Verification of Asset Declarations and its adoption.
Steering Group adopted the proposed 2019 RAI core budget.


Summary, Conclusions and Decisions