- December 12, 2016
- Posted by: admin
- Categories: Meetings 2016, RAI News

The 24th Steering Group Meeting of the Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI) took place in the Palace of Serbia/Belgrade on December 5, 2016. The meeting was organized by the RAI Secretariat and hosted by Ministry of Justice of Republic of Serbia.
Focus of the Steering Group Meeting was the selection procedure for the new Head of RAI Secretariat.
Main decisions of the Steering Group were acceptance of Georgia as an observer to RAI, adoption of the initiative to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with Regional Cooperation Council, acceptance of Secretariat’s initiative to add a new activity to RAI workplan – Raising integrity in law enforcement, and acceptance of proposal for budget reallocation of the approved 2016 budget.
During the meeting Ms. Milica Bozanic, Assistant Director for International Cooperation at the Anti-corruption Agency of Serbia elaborated on the current work of the Agency, with emphasis on the new Law on Anti-Corruption Agency, which is expected to be approved by the Parliament in upcoming period.
Mr. Aleksandre Baramidze, First Deputy Minister of Justice of Georgia gave a short presentation of Anti-Corruption Reforms in Georgia with focus on the Anti-Corruption Council, Open Government Partnership and Institutional Framework. Recalling the formal request of the Ministry of Justice of Georgia for joining RAI in the capacity of an Observer, all Steering Group Members acknowledged their consent and granted Georgia an Observer to RAI.