Tirana, Albania

44th RAI Steering Group Meeting

Tirana, Albania

Representatives of Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative member countries gathered in Tirana for the 44th RAI Steering Group Meeting, hosted by the Ministry of Public Administration and Anti-Corruption of Albania as part of the Week of Integrity. This important event brought together representatives of anti-corruption bodies, ministries, and agencies from across the SEE region to review the...

Presentation of the new developments and planned activities in SEE-TAC II

Tirana, Albania

Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI) Secretariat, in collaboration with HIDAACI Albania, will be organizing a meeting to discuss recent developments in the International Treaty on Exchange of Data for the Verification of Asset Declarations and the new SEE-TAC II project, funded by ADA. This meeting will take place on December 4th, 2024, at the HIDAACI premises...

Conference – Fast Tracking Implementation of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption – Regional Platform for the Western Balkans

Tirana, Albania

The RAI Secretariat participated in the "Fast Tracking the Implementation of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption - Regional Platform for the Western Balkans" conference this week in Tirana, Albania. Hosted by the Ministry of State for Public Administration and Anti-Corruption of Albania and organized by the UNODC, this significant event brought together representatives from...