A two-day Regional Workshop on Promoting Integrity in the Security Sector: Whistleblowing is taking place in Rakitje, Croatia on 18-19 May 2022. The workshop is organized in partnership with the RACVIAC-Centre for Security Cooperation. The overall objective of the Workshop is to equip relevant parties in the Security Sector with practical knowledge in implementation of safe disclosure channels and effective protection of the persons reporting corruption through comparative case-law.
The Workshop was opened by MG (ret.) Jeronim Bazo, Director of RACVIAC and Ms. Desislava Gotskova, Head of Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative (RAI) Secretariat. Director Bazo, in his introductory speech stated: “This Workshop is an excellent opportunity for the further development of regional cooperation on institutional integrity and fighting corruption through exchange of information and sharing of best practices. He also complimented and thanked RAI for the outstanding #cooperation as well as excellent topics and speakers.
Ms. Desislava Gotskova, Head of RAI Secretariat, looked back on the longstanding and excellent cooperation with RACVIAC. “Together we have been organizing many conferences, and Annual Regional Workshops on the specific anti-corruption and integrity topics, applying a multidisciplinary approach with special focus on leadership commitment as a prerequisite for promoting public confidence and trust in the security sector. “ She wished the participants a very successful workshop, productive and open discussions, and a nice stay in Croatia. Ms. Gotskova concluded her remarks by stating that RAI is looking forward to reinforcing the cooperation with RACVIAC in specific thematic fields where we could work together for strengthening regional cooperation on security sector governance, building integrity and fighting corruption.
The Workshop gathered more than 30 professionals from the region who manage whistleblowing cases and implement whistleblowing policies at the national level. Participants are expected to be proactive in delivering and deliberating on case studies.