RAI with CEF and CIPFA in Tirana on Making Government Services Work Better for Citizens

RAI Senior Anti-corruption Advisor had the pleasure of delivering the presentation on Sectoral Guidance with Checklists for corruption risk assessment and corruption proofing of legislation in the Higher Education and the Public Enterprises sectors on 29 June at the conference “Making Government Services Work better for Citizens” organized in Tirana by CEF and CIPFA with the participation of more than 250 delegates from 49 countries and with 33 speakers.

Being under the competence of the finance ministers, Ms. Arnaudovska emphasized that keeping in mind the size of the budget of the public enterprises, especially in the energy sector, and their role as employers in the local market,  a significant number of corruption risks influence them and require introducing comprehensive and consistent sectoral preventive of corruption mechanisms, including asset and conflict of interest disclosure systems, whistleblowing policies. More close cooperation is needed among the sectoral line ministries, the anti-corruption bodies and the main regulatory and auditing bodies in developing, streamlining and implementing of sectoral anti-corruption policies.


30 June 2022

RAI Secretariat