RAI Secretariat’s working visit to Montenegro

The Head of RAI Secretariat, Ms. Desislava Gotskova, and RAI Senior Anti-corruption Advisor, Ms. Aneta Arnaudovska visited the Minister of Interior, Ministry of Justice, Agency for Prevention of Corruption and the Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro. The representatives of the relevant institutions visited by the RAI Secretariat, including the EU Delegation to Montenegro expressed appreciation for the work of RAI and its regional endeavors. 

During the meeting with Mr. Zoran Miljanic, State Secretary at the Ministry of Interior, Ms. Gotskova presented the RAI ongoing activities and plans and discussed the process of the ratification of the International Treaty on Exchange of Data for the Verification of Asset Declarations in the signatory countries as well RAI endeavors towards wide promotion of the Treaty in the region for other states to join the Treaty.

At the meeting with Ms. Jelena Petrovic, Director of the Agency of Prevention of Corruption, and Mr. Momcilo Radulovic, President of the Council of the Agency, RAI’s commitment to continue supporting Montenegro with the ongoing regional project activities, as well with its platform were reiterated. Towards advancing the mutual cooperation, it has been concluded that joint approach to the European Commission and the other international organizations would lead to effective results, aligned with the interest of the beneficiaries in the region.

Having in mind that the anti-corruption is at the top of the European Union integration priorities, the need of a systematic and more structured strategic support from the European Commission was emphasized during the visit in the EU Delegation.