International Women's Day

Today the entire world celebrates International Women’s Day.

RAI Secretariat wishes all the women in the world empowerment and equality.

RAI Secretariat uses the opportunity to declare that RAI became a gender aware organisation in 2016 by committing to upholding fundamental rights and freedoms guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights and other internationally recognized standards. Organisation’s Strategic Document, Terms of References for the Secretariat as well as ToR’s of all the people working in and for RAI have been updated to reflect the change.

Continued efforts are invested to ensure that programmes, projects and actions of RAI are gender mainstreamed. To that end, the Secretariat appointed a Gender Focal Point who’s job is to continuously work on training and awareness building in the Secretariat.

RAI Secretariat must acknowledge assistance and support received from Austrian Development Agency, UNWOMEN Bosnia and Herzegovina and Lejla Somun-Krupalija, a gender expert, who helped us make the first changes towards ensuring gender equality and to whom we are grateful.

RAI Secretairat
8 March 2017