Georgia Receives Observer Status in RAI

RAI Secretariat welcomes Georgia and its legal representative Ministry of Justice to the RAI family.


At the 24th Steering Group Meeting of the Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI) took place in the Palace of Serbia/Belgrade on December 5 Delegation of Ministry of Justice of Georgia presented the efforts of Georgia in the fight against corruption.

Mr. Aleksandre Baramidze, First Deputy Minister of Justice of Georgia gave a short presentation of Anti-Corruption Reforms in Georgia with focus on the Anti-Corruption Council, Open Government Partnership and Institutional Framework. Recalling the formal request of the Ministry of Justice of Georgia for joining RAI in the capacity of an Observer, all Steering Group Members acknowledged their consent and granted Georgia an Observer to RAI.

Please find the Agenda of the Steering Group Meeting.

Detailed information on Conclusions and Decisions of the 24th RAI Steering Group Meeting coming soon.

Mr. Tomislav Curic, Acting Head of RAI Secretariat, Mr. Aleksandre Baramidze, First Deputy Minister of Justice of Georgia, Mr. Davor Dubravica Chairperson of RAI
Mr. Tomislav Curic, Acting Head of RAI Secretariat, Mr. Aleksandre Baramidze, First Deputy Minister of Justice of Georgia, Mr. Davor Dubravica Chairperson of RAI

RAI Secretariat

13 December 2016