RAI Secretariat organized Training in Sarajevo for Higher Education and Public Enterprises Sector on Corruption Risk Assessment and Corruption Proofing of Legislation

RAI Secretariat organized Training for Higher Education and Public Enterprises on Corruption Risk Assessment (CRA) and Corruption Proofing of Legislation (CPL) in Sarajevo on May 26th and 27th. The training gathered representatives of the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption and Coordination of the Fight against Corruption (APIK), aforementioned sectors and other relevant institutions who deal with these topics.

Ms. Desislava Gotskova, Head of RAI Secretariat and Mr. Hasim Sabotic, Director of APIK delivered the opening remarks.

During two days, participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the sectoral approach to CRA and CPL process. The RAI Expert Team introduced Guidance with Checklists they had worked on in the previous period. The main objective of these Guidance is to assist jurisdictions in identifying and decreasing corruption risks and regulatory corruption risk factors in these two sectors.

Participants were actively engaged in the last sessions reserved for practical work where they had the opportunity to work on the application of these guidelines on concrete examples.

The discussion was very constructive and fruitful and RAI received very positive feedback from participants. Many expressed a need for these activities to continue in the future and a willingness to be part of that process.

This is the second in a series of training that the RAI Secretariat will organize this year as part of the project Southeast Europe – Together Against Corruption (SEE-TAC), jointly implemented by RAI and UNODC – United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime – Civil Society Unit and funded by Austrian Development Cooperation.