South-East European Regional Conference ‘Suppression of Corruption in Public Procurement Systems’, November 12–13, 2008 – Cavtat, Croatia

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South-East European Regional Conference ‘Suppression of Corruption in Public Procurement Systems’, November 12–13, 2008 – Cavtat, Croatia
November 12, 2008 @ 8:00 am - November 13, 2008 @ 5:00 pm
The Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI) Secretariat organized South-East European (SEE) Regional Conference on ‘Suppression of Corruption in Public Procurement Systems‘ on November 12 – 13, 2008, in Cavtat, Croatia. The event was financially supported by USAID through ABA – ROLI. It was attended by more than 30 participants from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and UNMIK/Kosovo, as well as by experts representing OLAF, OECD and SIGMA.
The Conference consisted of two main components. The first one was dedicated to the European standards in the area of Public Procurement (PP). The experts from OECD, SIGMA and OLAF intervened in topics related to assessment of the existing PP systems and tools to detect and investigate corruption in PP. New issues in the area such as the application of “red flags” and OECD Recommendation on enhancing integrity in PP were introduced and attracted the interest of the participants. The second component gave floor to the national representatives to present and discuss the strong and the weak points of the respective national PP systems, as well as some current issues like e-procurement, implementation of new PP laws, etc. Finally, all the participants agreed on the benefits of the Conference providing them with a more detailed view of the status of the PP systems, gaining from the experience of experts coming from OECD, SIGMA and OLAF, and enriching them with more ideas applicable in the area of PP. The national representatives also stated, they would continue with their efforts in setting up transparent and efficient PP systems in SEE towards the main goal – EU accession.
For additional information, please check the agenda, the list of participants and the presentations delivered at the Conference attached below.
European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF)
“Detection and investigation of fraud and corruption in public procurement procedures within European institutions” – Mr. Borut Markosek
“European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF)” – Mr. Borut Markosek
“Red-flags: indicators that may help prevent, detect and investigate malpractices” – Mrs. Nicola Ehlermann-Cache
“OECD Recommendation on Enhancing Integrity in Public Procurement” – Ms. Elodie Beth
“Suppression of corruption in Public Procurement Systems” – Mr. Peter Bennett
“Assessment of developments in public procurement in South-Eastern Europe in the light of EU requirements” – Mr. Peter Bennett
SEE Experiences:
BULGARIA – Ms. Polya Stefanova Petrova-Ognyanova