Multi-Stakeholder Workshop on the United Nations Convention against Corruption

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Multi-Stakeholder Workshop on the United Nations Convention against Corruption
September 24, 2018 @ 8:00 am - September 27, 2018 @ 5:00 pm
We are pleased to inform you that the application process for the participation in the Multi-Stakeholder Workshop on the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) and its Review Mechanism is now open! Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) based in Southeast Europe are invited to apply.
The Multi-stakeholder Workshop is a part of the Regional Programme on Strengthening the Capacity of Anti-corruption Authorities and Civil Society to Combat Corruption and Contribute to the UNCAC Review Process, which is implemented by RAI Secretariat in partnership with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), supported by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA).
The Multi-stakeholder Workshop will take place from 24 to 27 September 2018 in Belgrade, Serbia and will bring together representatives from civil society, governments and the private sector. The overall objective of the four-day workshop is: to train participants on the UNCAC provisions; to inform them on the methodology for country reviews; to build their capacity to work with the private sector and to reproduce the training at the local, national and regional level; and to initiate dialogue with government focal points.
Should you be interested in participating, please apply as soon as possible and by no later than Friday, 20 July 2018. For more information, please visit the following link.
To submit a complete application, you are required to complete the application form and send it along with the most recent CV of the representative who would be attending the workshop to the following email: . Only one representative per organization will be invited to attend, and his/her participation will be sponsored by the UNODC.
Priority will be given to CSOs from: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo (under UNSC 1244), Moldova, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia.
For more information please contact