Webinar on the topic of Importance and Useful Examples about Good Practice Sharing
OnlineThe aim of the webinar is to introduce examples of good practice sharing and encourage the implementation of such practices in each country. This is the second webinar for the EPAC/EACN community organised by the Task force on Training and Transfer of Knowledge (TTK). The webinar speakers are as follows: Mr Edvinas Chorostinas, representative of...
38th Steering Group Meeting
Bucharest Bucharest, RomaniaChisinau: Masterclass – From silence to action!
Chișinău Europe Square, Central Park, Chișinău, Moldova, Republic ofThe Regional Anticorruption Initiative (RAI) Secretariat continues the regional tour of workshops Masterclass – From silence to action!, on how to run successful public awareness campaigns. The Masterclass in Chisinau, Moldova will take place on Thursday, November 24, 2022.
Chisinau: Break the Silence – Lead By Example To Reduce Corruption (local youth event in Moldova)
Chișinău Europe Square, Central Park, Chișinău, Moldova, Republic ofTirana: Contribution to the Week of Integrity Conference ‘Promoting Integrity: The Individual, the Organization and Beyond’
Tirana , AlbaniaRegional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI) Secretariat will contribute to the delivery of the Week of Integrity Conference titled ‘Promoting Integrity: The Individual, the Organization and Beyond’, to be organized in partnership with ICC Albania and HIDAACI. RAI Secretariat contribution will include participation in the plenary panel discussion "Integrity: a valuable proposition" and facilitation of the group...