Regional Event on CRA and CPL for Higher Education and Public Enterprises Sectors
Belgrade, Serbia Belgrade, SerbiaRAI Secretariat organized Regional Event for Higher Education and Public Enterprises Sectors on Corruption Risk Assessment (CRA) and Corruption Proofing of Legislation (CPL) in Belgrade, Serbia on April 4th and 5th. Regional Workshop gathered peers from respective ministries for Higher Education and Public Enterprises Sectors and anti-corruption agencies/commissions, from all the capitals where trainings took place...
Workshop on Conflict of Interest in the Security Sector, Podgorica, Montenegro
Podgorica Podgorica, Montenegro“Conference on Combating Corruption: The Challenges of Regional Cooperation in the Implementation of the UNCAC”, Luanda, Angola
Luanda, Angola Luanda, AngolaThe Conference on Combating Corruption took place from 29 May – 2 June 2023 in Luanda, Angola with the opening of the „High Level Segment”, where direction was provided by the Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Marcy Cláudio Lopes. The High Level Segment is focused on the challenges of cooperation between SADC Member States....