
17th RAI Summer School for junior practitioners

Sofia, Bulgaria

Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative Summer School for Junior Anti-Corruption Professionals in South East Europe was originally initiated in 2005 as a way to build and strengthen capacities in the region and to provide a platform for young practitioners to learn new practices and to exchange experiences. It is a ground for developing and fostering relationships among...

Nis: 15th National Selection Conference of the European Youth Parliament of Serbia

Nis , Serbia

The 15th National Selection Conference of EYP Serbia will gather 150 participants from Serbia and Europe. The event is organized by the EYP Serbia with RAI Secretariat support, in the framework of the EU-funded project ‘Breaking the Silence: Enhancing the Whistleblowing Policies and Culture in Western Balkans and Moldova’.

Prizren: Annual Conference of the EYPKI


Prizren 2022 is being organized from August 1 to August 5 with the aim to create a unique forum for young Europeans, where they can experience an inspiring environment for cultural understanding and civil awareness. The format of the event followed the classic EYP events' format, with officials leading the organisational and educational processes that...

Podgorica: Masterclass – From silence to action!

Podgorica Podgorica, Montenegro

The Regional Anticorruption Initiative (RAI) Secretariat continues the regional tour of workshops Masterclass – From silence to action!, on how to run successful public awareness campaigns.  The Masterclass in Podgorica, Montenegro will take place on Monday, September 26, 2022.

Tirana: Masterclass – From silence to action!

Tirana , Albania

The Regional Anticorruption Initiative (RAI) Secretariat continues the regional tour of workshops Masterclass – From silence to action!, on how to run successful public awareness campaigns.  The Masterclass in Tirana, Albania will take place on Wednesday, September 28, 2022.