International Conference on ‘Building Integrity and Reducing Corruption in Security Sector’, May 18–20, 2009 – Rakitje, Croatia

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International Conference on ‘Building Integrity and Reducing Corruption in Security Sector’, May 18–20, 2009 – Rakitje, Croatia
May 18, 2009 @ 8:00 am - May 20, 2009 @ 5:00 pm
Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI) Secretariat and RACVIAC – Center for Security Cooperation coorganized International Conference on ‘Building Integrity and Reducing Corruption in Security Sector’ on May 19-20, 2009, in Rakitje, Croatia. The event focused on suppression of corruption in the public institutions with a particular attention to security sector.
It consisted of 3 main panels: “Fighting Corruption and Safeguarding Integrity in SEE” touching general issues in regard to this phenomenon, “Reducing Corruption in Security Sector and Defense” dedicated to specific aspects of those sectors and “Anti-corruption Strategies and Best Practices from SEE Countries in Fighting Corruption” devoted to the regional experience and cooperation in the fight against corruption in SEE.
Around 60 participants (speakers and audience) took part at this Conference, representing parliamentary security/defence committees, relevant ministries, anti-corruption bodies from RAI and RACVIAC member countries, as well as relevant international organizations (such as NATO, Transparency International, OLAF, UNODC, World Bank, GRECO) and also representatives of UK Defense Anti-Corruption team and the University of Nottingham.
More information: Agenda
Presentations on Fighting Corruption and Safeguarding Integrity in SEE
Corruption: Understanding Risk and Building Stability in Region Dr. Josip Kregar
Transparency International – The Global Coalition Against Corruption – Mr. Miklos Marschall
Detection and Investigation of Corruption – Dr. Wolfgang Hetzer
Prevention – A Key Factor in Fighting Corruption – MSc. Sandra A. Blagojevic
Overview of United Nations Convention against Corruption – Mr. Erik Larson
Hour Glass Concept of Governance and Accountability – Mr. John Williams
Role of the Parliament in Curbing Corruption in SEE – Ms. Sanja Madzarevic-Sujster
Institutional Framework for Fighting Corruption – Mr. Mrcela Marin LLM
NATO-EAPC Initiative – Mrs. Susan Pond
European Defence Procurement Regulation – A Mechanism for Fighting Bribery – Dr. Aris Georgopoulos
Border Controls and Corruption – Mr. Tom McGonna
The Future of Corruption Benchmarking in the EU – Mr. Dimitar Markov
Presentations on Anti-Corruption Strategies and Best Practices from the South European Countries in Fighting Corruption
Asset Recovery as Part of the Anti-Corruption Mechanism – Mr. Radu Buica, Romania
GOA – Fight Corruption and Govern Transparently – Ms. Helena Papa, Albania
Presentation of SIPA – Mr. Emir Dugalija – Bosnia and Herzegovina
Presentation of State Commission for Prevention of Corruption – Mr. Cvetko Mojsoski, Macedonia
Anti-Corruption Experience – Best Practices and Lessons Learned – Mr. Radu Cotici, Moldova