27th RAI Steering Group Meeting in Zagreb on May 28th

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27th RAI Steering Group Meeting in Zagreb on May 28th
May 28, 2018 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
The 27th Steering Group Meeting of the Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI) took place in Zagreb, Croatia on May 28, 2018. The meeting was organized by the RAI Secretariat and chaired by the Acting Chairperson Mr. Davor Dubravica.
Focus of the Steering Group Meeting was election of the Chairperson. Following the procedure, Mr. Todor Kolarov was elected as the new RAI Chairperson to commence his mandate as of September 1, 2018.
The meeting was an opportunity to exchange views with the Commission for the Resolution of Conflict of Interest of the Republic of Croatia. The newly appointed President Ms. Natasa Novakovic used the opportunity reconfirm Commission’s readiness to work and cooperate with RAI, and stressed the importance of the International Treaty on Exchange of Data for the Verification of Asset Declarations produced by RAI.
Mr. Vladan Joksimovic, Head of Secretariat informed the Steering Group about main activities of the Secretariat for past several months and announced activities to take place in the following period. The particular focus was given to the past and future activities related to International Treaty on Exchange of Data for the Verification of Asset Declarations and its adoption.
Steering Group took note of the Financial Report for 2017 and adopted proposed reallocation of 2018 RAI core budget.