
RAI Secretariat presents the Self-Assessment Tool for public institutions and the Public Legal Education Tool for citizens on protection of whistleblowers

RAI Secretariat recently finalized, translated and delivered to partners two online educational tools, the Online Self-Assessment Tool (SAT) for public institutions and the Public Legal Education Tool (PLE) for the general public, available at the RAI Learning Hub.

Self-Assessment Tool for Whistleblower Protection Systems enables an organization to assess whether it fulfils human resource and organizational requirements to enable an effective and efficient response to a whistleblower report (available in English language and Albanian, Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian/Montenegrin, Macedonian and Romanian languages). This is the first such open-source learning resource, which provides practical guidance and solutions to organizations seeking to build effective whistleblower protection systems.

Public Legal Education on Whistleblowing provides comprehensive information on whistleblowing channels and whistleblower protection in Western Balkans and Moldova. This is the first such comprehensive learning resource for the general public on whistleblower rights, which additionally enables a comparative study of legal solutions in the field of whistleblowing and whistleblower protection.

The on-line educational tools were developed as part of the project “Breaking the Silence: Enhancing Whistleblowing Policies and Culture in the Western Balkans and Moldova”, funded by the European Union. The project aims to help partners from the beneficiary jurisdictions to improve whistleblower reporting channels and protection mechanisms; strengthen the capacity of civil society to support whistleblowers; and raise public awareness of the importance of whistleblowing in the fight against corruption.

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