RAI Secretariat organized training for Higher Education and Public Enterprises sector

Regional Anti-corruption Initiative organized Training for Higher Education and Public Enterprises on Corruption Risk Assessment and Corruption Proofing of Legislation.
Training took place on May 12th and 13th in Tirana and gathered representatives of the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Finance and Economy and CSOs around these topics.

Training consisted of two modules. First day was dedicated to corruption risk assessment while the topic corruption proofing of legislation was covered during the second day.

Ms. Llambriola Misto, Director of the Anticorruption Programs and Projects at the Ministry of Justice and Ms. Jasna Panjeta, Chief Programm and Communications Officer at RAI Secretariat opened the training. Our devotion to supporting the region in its anti-corruption efforts is recognized by the Ministry of Justice as Ms. Misto, emphasized in the opening remarks: “RAI provides added value for the Albanian anti-corruption efforts, particularly to the Ministry of Justice. We are hopeful that the support will continue in the future, particularly in the field of corruption risk assessment”.

After the introductory speech, RAI experts delivered the first session dedicated to the importance of CRA and CPL mechanisms in the process of combating corruption, focusing in particular on the sectoral approach in the implementation of these mechanisms.

During the second session, the CRA and CPL Guidelines with checklists developed by the RAI expert team were presented to the participants and they were introduced to their implementation and application in practice.

Final sessions were focused on practical work. Participants worked in groups and had the opportunity to apply the Guidance with Checklists on concrete examples.

The training proved to be very practical as the participants had the opportunity to participate in brainstorming and constructive discussions. Some of the conclusions that were drawn are oriented toward future mutual training between the domestic and RAI experts.

The training in Tirana was organized in the framework of the project South East Europe – Together Against Corruption (SEE-TAC), jointly implemented by RAI and UNODC – United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime – Civil Society Unit and funded by Austrian Development Cooperation.

Austrian Development Agency in Albania and implementing partner UNODC took part in the Training.