RAI Participated in Conference on Initial Training of Justice Professionals

RAI Secretariat participated at the conference on Initial Training of justice professionals serving the rule of law in the organization of European Commission together with the Présidence Française du Conseil de l’Union Européenne and the Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature February, 21-22 in Bordeaux, France. A hybrid conference gathered together more than 130 on-site participants and 70 online.

The excellent conference program and choice of speakers provoked fruitful discussions. During the working groups meetings and plenary sessions, good practices,  new challenges and innovative ideas have been shared in the areas of judicial independence and impartiality as guarantees of the rule of law, on how to enhance the judicial dialogue between national courts and European Courts, how to boost the European dimension of the initial training in the areas of  judicial ethics and integrity, digitalization, and asset recovery. The importance of regional and international cooperation and networking was emphasized for encouraging the judicial professionals to contribute to the creation of European judicial community and joint European Judicial Culture in partnership with the other legal professions.