Peer-to-Peer Regional Meeting of Public Institutions for better whistleblower protection held in Sarajevo

The Peer-to-Peer Regional Meeting of Public Institutions hosted by the Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative Secretariat was held in Sarajevo on November 16, 2021. The meeting aimed at equipping professional staff who participate in whistleblower protection policy making, oversight and enforcement with legislative solutions relevant to achieving improved whistleblower protection by addressing shortcomings identified through the Gap Analysis of Whistleblower Protection Laws in the Western Balkans and Moldova published by RAI Secretariat earlier this year. For that purpose, a paper ‘Model Provisions for Whistleblower Protection Laws’ was produced, presented and discussed at the meeting. Additionally, the peer-to-peer meeting provided participants with practical knowledge about transparency requirements and solutions relevant to assessing the impact of whistleblower protection laws – all in line with the EU Whistleblower Protection Directive.

The regional meeting of public institutions enabled the peer-to-peer exchange of experiences and lessons learned for purposes of identifying best practice solutions and translating them into action leading to better whistleblower protection.

The Peer-to-Peer Regional Meeting of Public Institutions was facilitated as part of the four-day regional meeting on whistleblower protection, organized under the auspices of the regional project ‘Breaking the Silence: Enhancing the whistleblowing policies and culture in Western Balkans and Moldova’, which is funded by the European Union and implemented by the RAI Secretariat. This event gathered representatives of public institutions, anti-corruption agencies, ministries of justice and ombudsman institutions from the SEE jurisdictions including Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Romania.

For further information about the training content and the participants, please follow this link.