DG Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations

Unit D.5 Western Balkans Regional Cooperation and Programmes

Team Rule of Law, Security, Migration and Reconciliation

L-15 03/080, 15 rue de la Loi

B-1049 Brussels, Belgium

Telephone: + 32 2 299 11 11 


Web:   https://ec.europa.eu

ABA Business Center, Rr. Papa Gjon Pali II, 17th floor


Telephone: + 355 4 222 8320

Email: delegation-albania@eeas.europa.eu

Web:   https://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/albania

Skenderija 3a 

71000 Sarajevo

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Telephone: + 387 (0) 33 25 47 00

Fax: +387 (0) 33 66 60 37

Email: delegation-bih@eeas.europa.eu

Web:   http://europa.ba/?page_id=474

Kosova Street 1

P.O.Box 331, Pristina 10000


Telephone: +383 38 5131 200

Email: delegation-kosovo@eeas.europa.eu

Web:   https://eeas.europa.eu

Vuka Karadzica 12

81000 Podgorica


Telephone: +382 (0)20 444 600

Email: delegation-montenegro@eeas.europa.eu

Web:   https://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/montenegro

12, M. Kogalniceanu Street

MD-2001 Chisinau

Republic of Moldova

Telephone: +373 22 505 210

Fax: +373 22 272 622

Email: delegation-moldova@eeas.europa.eu

Web:   https://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/moldova

Avenija 19a, Vladimira Popovića 40/V

New Belgrade

Republic of Serbia

Telephone: + 381 11 3083 200

Fax: +381 11 3083 201

Email: delegation-serbia@eeas.europa.eu

Web:   https://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/serbia