- September 13, 2021
- Posted by: admin
- Category: RAI News
Based on the RAI’s strategic goal to promote international cooperation through establishing cooperation with the new collaborators and allies against corruption, a new partnership with the Network of Prevention of Corruption Authorities (NCPA) was established.
NCPA is the new respectable international platform dedicated to the exchange of information and sharing good practices among the anti-corruption authorities from the various regions around the world with 30 members, 2 observers and as of recently, 5 partners, including RAI.
Regional Anti-corruption Initiative and the NCPA share a common mission and values and thus, recognizing the importance of international collaboration in joint efforts at all levels in the fight against corruption, this partnership will open a room for new activities and initiatives that will be valuable to our beneficiaries and stakeholders.
The NCPA was launched on 16 October 2018, based on the Declaration for a Network of Corruption Prevention Authorities, opened for signature in Sibenik, Croatia with a view to strengthening peer-to-peer cooperation to better detect and prevent corruption around the world.
The current, 2021 annual Presidency is held by the Serbian Agency for Prevention of Corruption (ACAS), with three Co-Vice Presidents being the French Anti-Corruption Agency (AFA), the Croatian Commission for Conflict of Interest (CCCI), and the Palestinian Anti-Corruption Commission (PACC).
The new partnership will be marked by the participation of the RAI Secretariat at the NPCA Plenary Meeting scheduled for 16 September 2021.